Overwatch: Juggernaut
This post was last modified over a year ago and as such, information in it may be outdated (or the post may be outright broken).
Hii G33ks,So I've left the League of Legends scene a month or 2 ago.
This is because teammates were shit (the ones in overwatch are shit as well, but in league, you could carry a lot less due to feeding and stuff), the game was unbalanced (so is Overwatch, but there, "out of meta" picks work perfectly fine) and the community was toxic (In overwatch, I've seen a few toxic players, but nothing major so far).After playing it for a while, Blizzard decided to do a test run on "Capture the Flag" in the arcade.
Why do I say "test run"?
Well, because they wanted to test out the game mode for competitive.
Yes, we might see CTF in competitive.Now while playing CTF, I came up with a game mode that I used to play a lot in TF2 and Airsoft: Juggernaut.Now how would Juggernaut work in Overwatch?
Well, I don't know how balanced it will be, but I'm sure somebody else might be able to figure it out!
First of all:
It is like a payload map, but with one main difference: The payload doesn't like you and tries to shoot you.
Both teams take turns in guiding the Juggernaut.
The juggernaut has a tonne of HP, dishes out a tonne of damage, but walks really slowly.
The attacking team has to guide the Juggernaut to the end-point (the enemies base)
the defending team has to defeat the juggernaut before it reaches the endpoint.The Juggernaut, however, does not only have tonnes of HP and dish out tonnes of damage, no, it also has a regenerating shield.
Not like a Reinhard shield, but more like a Zarya shield (not the bubbles but the HP shield).
So this regenerates after not dealing damage, making it a little bit more difficult.However, to keep it fair, Reinhard can NOT try to pin the Juggernaut.
however, he can pin enemies and slam them into the juggernaut.the juggernaut, however, can not melee.
he can only shoot people.
if there are too many enemies nearby, he stamps on the ground, blowing all people that are too close away.to make it a little easier on the defending team, the juggernaut walks rather slowly (a few centimeter per second).
This is to ensure the defending team gets the time to kill it.
I hope you guys like the idea so far!
If you do, spam a link to this post on the blizzard forums!G33k Out!
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